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陈林书,男,博士,湖南科技大学教师,硕士生导师,CCF会员。2017年于中南大学获得计算机博士学位,20199月至20208月于美国Florida Atlantic University公派访学一年。目前在国内外重要期刊和会议上发表论文20余篇,主持和参与国家自然科学基金、湖南省自然科学基金、湖南省教育厅科学研究基金等项目10余项,主要研究兴趣为人工智能、数据智能分析、数据挖掘、粒计算等,担任Granular computingJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy SystemsJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems、电子学报等国内外期刊审稿人。

办公室:逸夫楼503Email: linshuchen@hnust.edu.cn



2019–2020  访问学者,美国 Florida Atlantic University,导师:Yufei Tang.

2013–2017 博士,中南大学导师:王加阳教授.

2005–2007 硕士,中南大学导师:谭汉松教授.

2000–2004  学士,湖南科技大学




[2]国家留学基金委公派出国留学访问学者项目,201908430097,美国Florida Atlantic University2019/09-2020/08,主持











[1] Linshu Chen*, Tao Li, Yuxiang Chen, Xiaoyan Chen, Marcin Wozniak, Neal Xiong, Wei Liang. Design and Analysis of Quantum Machine Learning: A Survey[J]. Connection Science, 202312月录用. SCI

[2] Linshu Chen, Tao Li, Yuxiang Chen, Lei Zhao, Li Peng, Shiwen Zhang, Wei Liang. Research on Improving Higher Education Exam Quality Based on Weighted k-Medoids Clustering[J]. 18th International Conference on Computer Science and Education (ICCSE 2023), 202310月录用. EI

[3] Xueting Huang, Linshu Chen*, Xiaoyan Chen, Mo Wang and Yuxin Liu. Wireless channel estimation and equalization based on deep learning[J]. SmartCom 2023, 202310月录用

[4] Mei B. X., Chen L. S.*, Sun S. J., Chen P. Y., Huang, W. L. (2023, July). A New Multi-Feature Recommendation Model Based on Recurrent Neural Network. In 2023 IEEE 10th International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud)/2023 IEEE 9th International Conference on Edge Computing and Scalable Cloud (EdgeCom) (pp. 235-240). IEEE. EI

[5] Sun S. J., Chen L. S.*, Mei B. X., Li T., Ye X. Q., Shi M. (2023, July). A Weighted k-Medoids Clustering Algorithm Based on Granular Computing. In 2023 IEEE 10th International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud)/2023 IEEE 9th International Conference on Edge Computing and Scalable Cloud (EdgeCom) (pp. 138-143). IEEE. EI

[6] Linshu Chen, Fuhui Shun, Yufei Tang, Xiaoliang Wang, Jiayang Wang. Algebraic structure based clustering method from granular computing prospective[J]. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 2023, 31(1): 121-140. SCI

[7] Linshu Chen, Lei Zhao, Zhenguo Xiao, Yuanhui Liu, Jiayang Wang. A Granular Computing Based Classification Method From Algebraic Granule Structure[J]. IEEE ACCESS, 2021,9:68118-68126. SCI

[8] Chen Linshu, Wang Jiayang, Li Li. A new granular computing model based on algebraic structure[J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2019, 28(1): 136-142. SCI

[9] Chen Linshu, Wang Jiayang, Li Li. The models of granular system and algebraic quotient space in granular computing[J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2016, 25(6): 1109-1113. SCI

[10] Chen Linshu, Liu Yuanhui, Wang Jiayang. The re-granulation on topological structure of granular computing[C]. Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science. 2019: 106-110. EI

[11] Chen Linshu, Wang Jiayang. The rough representation and measurement of quotient structure in algebraic quotient space model[J]. High Technology Letters, 2017, 23(3): 293-297. EI

[12] Chen Linshu, Wang Jiayang, Yang Zhenghua, Li Li. Quotient space model based on algebraic structure[J]. High Technology Letters, 2016.22(2): 160-169. EI

[13] 陈林书, 王加阳, 杨正华, 李力. 基于代数结构的商空间模型研究[J].电子学报, 2016, 44(4): 952-958. EI

[14] 王加阳, 陈思力, 陈林书. 论域合成的商空间关系[J]. 控制与决策, 2015, 30(10): 1911-1914. EI

[15] 陈林书, 王加阳, 柳媛慧, 马庆. 商空间粒度的可逆性研究[J]. 计算机科学与探索. 计算机科学与探索, 2019, 13(5): 884-891. CSCD

[16] 周敏, 王加阳, 陈林书.基于分层递阶商空间链的图连通性研究[J].计算机工程与科学, 2017, 39(8): 1471-1475. CSCD

[17] 申铭, 王加阳, 陈林书. 商空间拓扑结构合成[J]. 模糊系统与数学, 2017, 31(2): 62-69. CSCD



[1]autopeople3D人体建模软件V1.0, 授权号2021SR1119199

[2]autoface3D面部建模软件V1.0, 授权号2022SR0785803

